Abbotfox, Estate Agents, Norfolk, Sales, Lettings, Land, New Homes, valuation, landlords, tenants, buy, sell, rent, let, mortgages, bespoke, Norwich
estate agent in Norwich showing a house

What's it like to be an estate agent in Norfolk?

It's the best job, who wouldn't love working in Norfolk with the countryside and the fabulous coastline on your doorstep?

The abbotFox office is in the city of Norwich based in historic Tombland, you can't get much better than that for an office location. Being out and about, viewing homes and meeting customers is the best.

The homes in Norfolk are varied from Medieval, Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian, modern and a few in between, there's a home for every taste. The people of Norfolk are fiercely passionate about their county as so are we, and even though we know a thing or two about its history there will be clients who will teach us more. Of course, it's not all chit-chat and looking at architecture, it's an extremely busy job but there is nothing better than finding someone their dream home or enabling families to live closer together, it's the best feeling. Sometimes it can be quite sad when we have to help couples sell their home after a divorce or when a family member dies and that's their reason for selling, but we're here to hopefully make it less painful.


Do you want to be an estate agent? 

This is what it requires to be a good Norfolk estate agent.

Know Norfolk 

Knowing Norfolk and your way around Norfolk very well is an obvious one. To be a good estate agent you need to know the roads, the streets, the prices that properties sell for, the schools, as well as parks, doctors and shops. You should also be up to speed on any future developments happening in locations around Norfolk.

Know Stories 

Everyone loves a story, so it's good to brush up on Norfolk history. If you can tell a client that the home they're looking at is situated in a village that was invaded by the Romans, then it becomes less of just showing someone around a house. 

Be Organised 

A good estate agent must be organised, there is nothing worse than clients being kept waiting because of lateness. Organisational skills are imperative, for an estate agent to turn up with the wrong keys or go to the wrong address gives a bad first impression.

Be a Negotiator 

A good estate agent will be negotiating between seller and buyer, making sure that both sides are happy. 

Love People 

It goes without saying; to be a good estate agent you must love people because you'll be working with plenty of them. As well as clients buying or selling homes, colleagues are working alongside you to make it all happen. From other estate agents, viewing representatives, administrators, sales chasers, property managers and secretaries, to the solicitors you'll have to speak regularly with on the phone. 


Do you still think you have what it takes to be an estate agent in Norfolk? 

It really is the best job.

Send your CV here >   Send CV

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