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Langley School Church Langley Norfolk

What schools in Norwich are good schools?

Norwich has a variety of good schools.


Currently, many parents who want to move are doing so to be near a good school.  

Here are ten good schools in Norwich 

Notre Dam high school 

Langley School Norwich

Norwich Girls School

Norwich Schoo

Jane Austen College Norwich

Open Academy Norwich

CNS Norwich 

Parkside School Norwich 

Coltishall Primary School

Thorpe St Andrews High School


Many schools in Norwich have an outstanding Ofsted rating. You can compare school performances here 

Spring is normally the time when people are on the move but even more so this year. Due to the pandemic, many people are reassessing what they need from a home, space is more of a requirement because many people now work from home. The stamp duty holiday extension and 95% mortgages are also fuelling people to move home. 

For families, there is an urgency to get everything sorted before the new school term starts. Many families want to live in a good school catchment area which increases competition.

Some families are relocating to Norwich from cities like London and Birmingham purely for the children. Parents want their children to experience a life with more freedom and living in Norwich ticks that box.

Norwich has repeatedly been voted one of the best places to live by The Sunday times, so you can see why families want to move here. 

It can be a challenge to know what areas to move to especially if you are relocating to Norwich, but we are at hand to help. 

We would recommend you to do your research, call us on 01603 660000 if you would like to know more about locations and schools.  


Check schools websites

Have a look at their websites, gather information and contact them about their open days. Check an open day directory like this one > directory 

Join groups

You can get a lot of information from online groups or forums. Just by asking other parents in the groups their experiences of certain schools can help. Try a group like this > Facebook group 

Check admissions criteria 

Some schools may require more than just being in the catchment area. Your child might have to take an admission test and faith schools might have different criteria for admissions.


Break it down

Work out the main reasons for choosing a school and then look at schools that tick those boxes. Your child or children might be better suited in a sports-focused school or perhaps you will choose a school based on its A level results. Whatever the reason a good place to start is the > compare schools performance service   


Do not hesitate to call us 01603 660000 or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any questions 

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