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Norfolk is a fantastic place to live and having a day where we can all wave flags and appreciate everything good about Norfolk makes sense.

Norfolk Day started in 2018 and Norfolk has beed waving the flags every year since.

Many people who live in Norfolk want to keep the jewel of the East a secret but with social media, it's quite impossible.

Norfolk has many well-known people living in the county, even the queen has a home here in Sandringham. Olivia Coman who played the Queen (late) in The Crown started her life in Norfolk, as did Myleen Class and Roger Taylor. Stephen Fry, Jake Humphrey, Delia and Martin Brundle to name a few more, but probably the most famous resident is Alan Partridge A-Ha! 

In the past, there have been many famous people dwelling in Norfolk, Anna Sewell, author of Black Beauty, Edith Cavell a famous British nurse and war hero, Boudicia as well as Nelson, Norfolk's most famous son. When you enter Norfolk the sign says you are now entering Nelson's county so even though there have been many famous people who have lived in Norfolk, Nelson has claimed it as his.  Nelson was Britain's most famous sailor and had endured lots of injuries for his country, finally dying at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, so it's a good way to keep his name alive.

Norfolk Day is always celebrated all week with pictures of Norfolk, some wonderful Norfolk facts and Norfolk stories. 

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