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We chat with Lisa and Dimitar from The Norfolk Cleaning Group

We talk about the importance of having a clean home when showing it to potential buyers.


Do you think it can help to sell a home quickly if it’s had a deep clean?

Historically, people have always preferred to move into a clean new home. A clean home portrays your house in a positive light and helps it to sell quickly.  

In today's world since the pandemic do you think people now feel more comfortable walking around a clean house? 

Since the pandemic, homebuyers have sought not only physical cleanliness but hygienic cleanliness too. Giving prospective house buyers the confidence that the home has had a thorough deep clean provides reassurance.

What does a deep clean consist of? 

A deep clean will include removing cobwebs, damp wiping all door frames; skirting (assumes gloss type paintwork), and light switches/fittings. The outside of kitchen cupboards. Bathrooms and kitchen sink fittings are descaled. All internal and external windows get cleaned. All areas are thoroughly vacuumed. Carpets are cleaned utilising the hot water extraction method, commonly called "steam cleaning".  During the cleaning, a pre-spray cleaner is applied to any soiled surface, which is then followed by a light agitation. Next, the surface is passed over several times with the cleaning wand to rinse; and extract, and then a pre-spray is applied. A deep clean also includes a thorough cleaning of all sanitary equipment as well as kitchen white goods.

How would you assess the job?  

Every job is different as every home is unique! A member of our experienced team will first make contact with the client on the phone to ascertain any basic needs and to arrange a convenient time to physically see the property and assess the nature of the cleaning job. We will then discuss the options available, and the hours required.

What is the biggest turn-off to a potential buyer? 

When a prospective buyer looks at a property, first impressions count. It’s not just what they see, it’s also what they smell on their viewing. The smells of animals and damp or strong cooking can be a major turn-off. De-clutter as much as possible and areas where you spend most of the time should be kept the cleanest, whether it be the kitchen, lounge or hallways. Equally, a bathroom should be free of any dampness or mould as that is also a major turn-off. 

If the homeowner has a dog what’s the best way to eliminate any doggy odours?

Pet odours can be a combination of dirt and bacteria so it’s vital to keep carpets and soft furnishings cleaned and shampooed regularly. It’s a well-known fact that pet owners become "nose blind" to the scent of their pets but to a guest or prospective buyer, these smells can be intoxicating. They can ruin a sale. Coupled with this is the risk of fleas; regular thorough vacuuming can help reduce this. Our industrial cleaning equipment can reduce the risk further.

Are dirty outside windows and frames a turnoff? 

In much the same way as the eyes are a window to your soul, dirty windows and frames say a lot about how much you care about your home. It’s worth getting both cleaned monthly outside, with inside windows once a quarter. Looking through dirty windows to a well-kept garden can give a confusing message. Pet owners also need to ensure windows are smear-free from wet noses looking out! 

Once a deep clean has been done would the client have less to do to prepare for viewings? 

Once a deep clean has been done then the client just needs to keep a duster and a vacuum at hand. A deep clean is similar to an intensive spring clean, so a client does not need to spend so much time cleaning their property. They will feel less stressed before a viewing and they will have confidence that their property is presented at its best!

Let’s say the client has been given short notice and a potential buyer is on their way; what three things can they do to quickly prepare the home

In the event of short notice, the client needs to ensure the house smells fresh either by using complimentary air fresheners or spray or by opening the windows and letting the fresh air in prior to arrival. Secondly, get out that vacuum to ensure the carpet looks good and raise the pile slightly so it feels soft underfoot. Thirdly, do a tour of the house yourself and reduce anything unsightly like a mark on the wall, or a wonky picture. Remember first impressions count, and it starts from the walk up to the front door. 

Would having a deep clean also get the client prepared for moving day? 

Having a deep clean gives the client peace of mind that they’ve left their old home at its best and is one less thing for them to worry about. Clients are often mortified at the state of their home when it comes to moving day but having a deep clean leaves the client guilt-free and the new owners extremely happy.

Rather than leaving everything to the last moment, a deep clean can help ‘discipline’ a client into better planning of packing up, or preparation of rooms prior to the move.

How long before putting the home on the market should the deep clean be done? 

There is no perfect time for a pre-market deep clean as different houses sell at different rates; the duration between a house going on the market, first viewing and exchanging contracts varies from property to property but it’s preferable to arrange your deep clean prior to the estate agent taking photos to showcase your home at its best!

Thank you, if someone wanted to chat with you about deep cleaning their home before putting it on the property market what are your contact details?

Anyone can leave us a message on the contact page on The Norfolk Cleaning Group website OR call 01692 407 690

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